Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Need To Be Less Of A Dirtbag

I trimmed about an inch of hair off my beard last night. I really need to be less of a dirtbag. This working from home deal I have going has really given me a lax opinion on hygiene, at least in the beard and coiffure department. I haven't really cut my hair any length in probably 6 months. Although I will say, if I could grow a respectable mustache (and not look like some sort perpetrator of molestation) I'd rock the Chester A. Arthur look full time. This should come as no surprise to most, as I also want to purchase a top hat to wear on a daily basis. All in all, if I could dress like Bill the Butcher every day I would. But I really should groom myself a little more often, I'm looking a bit wily.

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